Excerpt from "Diary of a Wanted Woman"

Dear Diary, Anne Frank said parents can only give good advice or put their children on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands. I believe this is true even if the advice the parents gave or the path they led their children on was a hard and dangerous one. My mother was known to tell me on multiple occasions that I was worthless. She made it her business to make me feel like I was nothing and was wanted by no one. She didn’t want me and neither did my father. Mt stepfather on the other hand wanted me more than he wanted my mother. I was his pedophiliac fantasy and that made my mother hate me even more. She never saved me from his advances though she blamed me when she awoke and he wasn’t in bed with her. As I grew older I realized that my mother was wrong. I was wanted. Men gravitated to me and would do anything to get me. It has always been this way. Men always noticed me and I noticed them. I loved that feeling. ...