eBook or Print…which do you prefer?
In this technological world there are more and more of my
friends with Kindles, Nooks and eReaders.
They are getting rid of their books in print and opting to only own
There is a constant struggle in my house between my husband
and I. I have bookshelves full of books
and so do my children. I have been an
avid reader all my life and I just love books.
I have book from college that I refused to sell back. I even own the very first romance book I read
sitting perfectly on my shelf.
My husband thinks that I have too many books. He has been on me to condense my book
collection and just keep only the essential. But, I felt like every book on my
shelf was essential and I did not think that I could part with any book.
I tried to condense my books but I still had quite a few and
I was sure that I was not done buying books.
I thought that it would be a good idea that I get an eReader. I really wanted something that would stifle
my print book purchasing and I hoped that it would make my husband happy that I
could buy books and not crowd the house.
When I completed my first book I had the option of either
doing a print book or an eBook. I noticed in the genre my books are in more and
more authors are doing eBooks only. I knew that was an option for me, but I
just could not do it.
My dreamy entire life included seeing my book in print. I
had the electronic version and that made me happy, but I must say. There was
nothing like getting my shipment of books and seeing my name on the cover. The
feeling of holding my book in my hands and putting my book on my book shelf
with the rest of my favorite (and duck taped) books.
Don’t get me wrong. I love my Kindle. It is amazing. I can
read my books at night and not disturb my husband by having a lamp on. I can
get books for my kids without crowding the house with books for all three of
I still want to appeal to the people that want to read my
book but want to get it for their Kindle.
I have books that are literally falling apart. I read them
over and over again and the binding starts to come undone and before I know it,
I am scrambling to put my books back together. Like a puzzle I am putting
pieces back together.
My daughter shook her head when she sat and watched me duck
tape my book back together. It was my favorite book and I had read it so many
times there practically wasn’t any binding left.
I know there are a lot of people that really still like to
have the actually book in their hands and like to see that book sitting pretty
on their shelf. To be honest, even with my Kindle I still get the urge to
refill my shelves.
However, to me and when it comes to my own book, there is
nothing like a traditional physical book.
If you are like the traditional masses and would really like
to have a print copy of my book you can visit www.firstdraftpublishing.com and
get your copy for your copy. I must warn
you however, it will be a re-read and you may end up duck taping it back
together. I’m just saying!
If however, you are a big part of the technological age or
just received a new Kindle or Nook for Christmas, you can visit www.firstdraftpublishing.com or
Amazon.com and get your copy of my book!