U is for...

is for...Unusual Amounts of Inspiration

Me: (While in the shower) “Hey!”
Husband who was in the bedroom yells back.
Husband: “What!”
Me: “I have an idea.”
Me: “Hello, have a moneymaking idea!”
More silence.

He is ignoring me I assume. I guess I can’t blame him. In the past week I have come up with several “money making ideas”.
One day, I wanted to sell children’s learning books, the next day I wanted to write a compilation book, the day after that I wanted to write young adult books and then recently I decided to start my own organic sugar scrub company (random, I know). That is the idea that is making him ignore me. The one I came up with in the shower.
So, I am driving my husband crazy. Okay, so I always drove my husband crazy with my eccentric nature
and my complexities. But lately I have gone beyond the usual.
As everyone knows, I suffer from anxiety disorder and severe depression. I also have a slight case of ADD where I bounce from task to task and become so scatterbrained that I can’t focus. I drive my husband bonkers.
Well after years of being in denial, I sought help. Much needed help. With that help I now feel like a much better me and I have been able to focus. Now my mind is so full of ideas its insane.
The depression put a wet blanket on my mind and ideas were slow to come. Now all at once they are free and I am bursting to make my ideas a reality. I never felt so alive.

I’m excited to see with my mind will take me next.


  1. So happy to see you're feeling well and the inspiration is flowing. Keep those ideas coming! xoA

  2. Whenever I'd say that our client was going to "drive me crazy," my boss Betsy used to say, "That's not a rive, it's a putt..."


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