Is Erotic Oxymoron?

I attended a dinner with some of my fellow writers. It was going wonderfully. Yet I was waiting for the question of the night and eventually a new member to the group asked me. “So what do you write?” It was an innocent question. New writers asked us this all the time. I anticipated this question, but I knew that I loathed the many questions that would follow. “I’m in an erotic romance writer.” I saw their eyes and I knew they were already comparing me to E.L James or considering me not a “real writer”. It comes with the turf. So I sat back and waited. “Isn’t erotic romance and oxymoron?” He chuckled. That was a new one. No one had ever asked me that question. I fought my urge to roll my eyes at him. An oxymoron? Let’s see. What is an oxymoron? An oxymoron is a figure of speech where two opposite or opposed words seemingly cancel each other out or would seem to be contradictory to each other like “walk slow quickly” or “cruel kindness”. So, is he trying ...