28 years old today: Did I live up to my own standards?
When I was a kid I had
big dreams. There was so much I wanted
to accomplish in my life. I constantly mapped out what things I wanted and what
life I wanted by the time I was 28 years old.
I know it sounds
strange. Why 28?
Well, I remember when
I was about 12 years old; I thought that I could not wait until I was 28. I
considered 28 to be the ideal age. I know that most people can’t wait to be 18
and old enough to vote or smoke. Great number of people cannot wit to be 21 and
be old enough to drink and party the right way.
I on the other hand
(as I have been informed) am not normal. I have never been normal and I never
will be normal. So it should be no surprise that I wanted to be 28.
My reasoning?
I thought that at 28
I would be in a good place in my life. I would be mature enough to love myself
for who I am and have everything I have every wanted.
I would no longer be
confused about who I am and mature enough to not think about what other people
think about me.
I hoped that by 28 I
would have a family of my own, a great paying job that I love (I always wanted
to be a writer and assumed that paid a lot), an amazing husband, beautiful
children, a great home and most importantly…I would be happy.
Well, today I am 28
years old.
And as I sit here and
type this blog I realize that even at the age of 12 I was a FREAKING
Ok so maybe not a
genius, but I was definitely smart enough to understand myself so completely
that I was able to see that by 28, I would be fully who I was meant to be.
I have only been 28
for a few hours and I am excited that I made it this far and I am looking
forward to what the rest of the year has in store for me.
My predictions were
spot on.
Everything that I
predicted for my life has come true.
I have 3 beautiful daughters, I am doing what
I love for a living, I have 3 books published! I have an amazing husband, I have a beautiful
home, I get to do what I love and stay home with my children.
I know not everything
is perfect. I still have issues (Just found out I have some cavities!!!
But the important
things are falling into place. In my 28
years of existence I have grown so much. I am no longer a confused child but a
strong and secure woman.
I acknowledge that I
have come a long way and I am not ashamed to say that I had some help from
family, friends (a therapist) to be the best me I can possibly be. I am
comfortable in my own skin and secure with myself.
ME!!! And to celebrate I am going to get
me some lobster a Red Lobster. See? I’m not hard to please!
Oh and by the way, I
was wrong about one thing. Being a writer right now is not so high paying. I’m
hoping in that regard, 30 will be my year.