In my sleepless state...

I have had a few people ask me where the idea for my new eBook Insomnia: what happens when you can’t sleep came from.

Well, as a writer I often suffer from Insomnia. I guess I would have to say the combination of being a mom and a writer has kept me up at night.  I am up early with my kids and husband all day and the only time I seem to get the energy and the time to write in peace is at the wee hours of the night.  It has become such a pattern that I can’t seem to go to sleep at night anymore. The earliest I am off to bed every night is at least 1am.

Sometimes I would be on Twitter and Facebook and see so many other people on and tweeting and updating their status messages. I was intrigued. I wondered what could be keeping so many other people up at night. The ideas began to swim in my head and I just started to write.

Insomnia is about different people and the many reasons why they are up and why they could not sleep.  Some of my characters are up because of their jobs, Some are up because the guilt of what they do during day hours has kept them from sleeping. There are others that cannot sleep because of whom they are sleeping with.

With all this Insomnia going on, some bad and naughty things are bound to happen.  My book addresses such things.

I had an amazing time writing the stories in the book and ironically many of them came out of me not being able to go to sleep at night. Most of these stories were written at 2 and 3 in the morning.  It seemed to be the best time to write them as it gave me a better feel and understanding of each story and the book as a whole.

*If you want to be included in the second installment of Insomnia: what happens when you can’t sleep 2, email me sometime weird and naughty that happened to you in the wee hours of the night and I will include your story in my book!

** To purchase Insomnia: what happens when you can’t sleep? Visit and Barnes and Purchase price $.99

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