My Top Ten Erotic Confessions: Naughty School Girl Addition

·         I was a pretty insatiable girl when I was growing up and I didn’t let a little thing called SCHOOL is stop.  Here is a list of naughty things I did in school.


1.       Once when I was in high school I slid a twizzler into my pussy and watched as my high school boyfriend ate it.
       2.       I let a boy finger me under the table in the cafeteria while we all ate lunch.

   3.       End of school year my senior year I snuck off campus to a boys house and played naked truth or dare with two boys and another girl. 

   4.       I lied to my parents about going to the movies with a boy to go back to his house so we could perform oral sex on each other.

5.       I was supplied with Porn magazines and Video tapes by a male friend of mine so I could masturbate to them.

6.       I snuck off school campus to meet up with my 24 yr. old boyfriend (I was 18 at the time) to have sex all lunch hour and 6th period.

7.       I had sex with my boyfriend on the school bus in the back before I was dropped off at home.

8.       I gave a boy a hand job in class. 

9.       I masturbated in the girl’s bathroom.

10.   I gave a boy a blow job in the boy’s bathroom.


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