Top Ten Men's Sexual Fantasies

My husband and I always talk about my sexual fantasies. He always wants to know what I think about and what I wish could happen to me sexually. I finally realized that I never really engage him the same way. I wanted to know what he fantasizes about. What do most men fantasize about?
Here is a list that I compiled from a few men I know.
1.      To have two women give him head at the same time.
2.      To have a woman dominate them in bed and take complete control.
3.      To have sex with wife/girlfriend and her best friend.
4.      To have se with a woman and her mother at the same time.
5.      To be able to watch another couple have sex without them knowing.
6.      To have sex with two women at a sporting event.
7.      To have two women give him head while in a movie theatre.
8.      To have a hot threesome in the shower.
9.      They fantasize about risky sex and being caught in the act in public situations.
10.  Sharing their partner with another man.


  1. Haha I like he sporting event fantasy- just like a man... sex and sports;)

  2. 4. "To have se with a woman and her mother at the same time."

    That's a new one on me!

    #5 That is my fantasy.


  3. So a whole lot of threesome situations? Sounds about right. #1 is perhaps one of the most amazing things EVER. Just sayin.


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