F is for...

is for Friends “I don’t have any friends.” My husband would hear me say on a regular basis. Normally he would spout out a laundry list of women I hang out with. “Are they your friends?” It was hard to explain to him that just because I went out with them or had lunch with someone didn't necessarily make them my friend. For me a friend to someone with a kind heart, loyal, considerate and someone I could trust. I never really thought I found that person. Because I didn't trust barely anyone in my life other than my family, I never showed people the real me. Growing up as a child of 9 children I always felt like I didn't belong. I always felt there was something about me that kept me from having real friends or feeling like an outsider. Elementary, junior high, and high school I went through friend after friend and never held on to any friendships. Every year I had a new best friend. Eventually I would always ...