From the Short Story Anthology Insomnia What happenes when you can't sleep. Available on and Barnes& Red Eye She kept staring at me and I tried to pretend that I don’t notice. I was just going to continue to pretend the way I had been pretending not to notice her subtle advances all night and all weekend. We have been playing this game for a while now. Since the day I started working here, I have been trying to stay the good girl. I had been trying to pretend that when she licked her lips or stood with those short skirts at the printer, it did not turn me on or make me so wet. We sat in the airport waiting on our red eye flight. We were the “flight team”. We were hired to fly around and act as liaisons for the company. It required us to fly to one place and be back at the office the next morning sometimes. It was fine with me. I always had trouble sleeping anyway. I was happy to do something useful wi...