Exceprt from my novel "Diary of a Wanted Woman"
New eBook coming out this July Chronically the life of one woman and her sexaul adventures. Exceprt from my new novel Diary of a Wanted Woman Dear Diary, I am smart enough to know that when strange men come to your door in the middle of the night you should not answer the door. Yet, I tend to get rather dumb when I am horny. How did I think that I could ever be celibate? Because of my love for David I was able to hold off for a few months. David will never forgive me for breaking my promise. I promised him. That means a lot to him. Tina warned me it was just like going on an extreme diet and then overindulges in the middle of it. I guess being celibate is just not for me. Maybe if I could just have more self control I would not open doors for strangers… They were soaking wet and standing in my living room. They were cold and shivering. Normally I would not just let some random men in my house but somehow this was different. It was a maj...